free hugs
the weekend has been a good one.
friday was quiet. i have been working on report cards.. this month the kiddies have been pretty good and there were a few times i had to resist not leveling up kids because.. well.. they're cute and bring joy to my life.. honestly there's this one little girl who has named herself 'sunny'.. and seriously, she rivals any kid i have ever seen for cuteness.. she gets so excited in my class that she can't sit down.. and is so short and small that she hangs off the desk.. one time in the two months that i've known her i caught her without a smile.. she was sad and crying because she was given retest by one of the other teachers.. these gigantic tears were pouring down her face and i had to fight tears myself.. <<< holy biological clock batman! seriously though, i still don't want kids.. but i like renting others out for short periods of time..
saturday i headed downtown to run some errands and kill some time.. the weather was nice, and i'm lovin livin on the subway line this year.. i ran into tristan and we spent the afternoon together spending money and eating candy covered strawberries.. i thought strawberry season was over! also, there were a bunch of college kids downtown holding 'free hugs' signs.. so i monopolized on that.. getting many free hugs.. sometimes going back twice to the cute boys, and perhaps holding on a little longer than socially acceptable.. meh.. whatever.. after going home for a nap, i went downtown again to meet a friend.. there were a bunch of new, off the boat foreigners there.. they were all bright eyed about the 2 or 3 weeks they've been in korea.. though it can be annoying, it's also nice to see korea again through their eyes.. i'm such an old, jaded veteran that i sometimes forget the things that are normal and dull to me now were once so new and exciting.. ended up meeting up with some more people and despite my objections went to a foreigner bar.. i was pretty good though, ended up in bed by 3:30.. which is early, korea time..
today i've been productive.. cleaned my apartment.. worked out.. did some writing.. it's raining so there was no hiking..
so i didn't get everything i wanted out of the weekend but that seems to always happen.. it's so easy to fall into the same pattern here.. BUT next week should be somewhat easy.. the middle schoolers have exams soon and we have 2 exta days..
have i mentioned yet how much i AM NOT looking forward to turning 25?