Thursday, May 29, 2008


So, Nana complained that I hadn't been blogging so I'll give an update.

Lately, I've just been working and studying (finishing up a couple of extra Uni courses) and enjoying the nicer weather that has come along.

THIS particular week has sucked so much that it makes me think that the world is quite jerktacular. It seems that I have to go through some inconvenient stuff to get my Visa extended. I was originally told by management that I wouldn't have to, but with very little time left to do it by the deadline was told this wasn't true. So this week I was running/biking around town like a madwoman trying to get it done. Tuesday was TERRIBLE, arguably the worst day of my life. Here's the breakdown:

- bike frantically to meet Mike to pick up my ID
- bike home to find a form
- bike to school to photocopy and print off said form
- on the way hit my foot on a rock and cut my toe open
- grab a quick band-aid and head home to get some stuff needed for CRC application
- upon arrival at home, hit my head on some cement (I'm pretty sure I knocked myself out for a couple of seconds)
- go to TWO banks where I'm told they don't give money orders, at least not in CAD currency
- rush to work, well limp
- go home where Mike looks at my foot and says we should go to the emergency room
- go to the emergency room where I'm poked and prodded..
- eventually leave after 2 needles and was given 5 days of antibiotics (15 pills a day)

My kids told me that this kind of day is referred to as: 머피의법칙

So since then, days have been more bearable, though really, how could they be worse?
I'm now playing the waiting game in terms of forms arriving in Korea. If they don't get here, a vacation may have to be canceled. I will be SO angry if that happens.

In anycase, my Christmas vacation was confirmed which means my last day of work is December 19th, so I should be home shortly after that.

Send me good vibes, please!