Thursday, December 03, 2009

Birthday Lookback.

Well, in a couple of days I'll be 28. I'm trying to think about what I accomplished or did at 27.
Bullet points:

  • Moved back to Canada.
  • Explored the East Coast.
  • Went to NYC.
  • Family trip to Niagara Falls.
  • Spent lots of time in hometown Kincardine.
  • Allowed my family to meet my boyfriend.
  • Got my dream Canada job.
  • Decided corruption was not an appropriate means to an end.
  • Went to Montreal with my favourite. Yes I meant to end the sentence there.
  • Saw the East coast in the summer.
  • Reconnected with Canada and family and friends.
  • Decided I was not done with worldly traveling.
  • Came back to Korea.
  • Loved her friends and family so darn much.
  • Has decided to follow advice: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As long as that thing that isn't broken is making you happy and giving you lots of opportunities to experience new and exciting things every day.
  • Began formally studying Korean and am really, really enjoying it!
Looking at the above it does high light the fact that I base accomplishment on travel and learning. It's true, and to continue that the only real plans I have for 28 involve trips to Bali, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and a couple of other places yet to be determined.

Yay me! << Everyone should be able to say that.