weekly update

oh and the above pic is the only one of me from the weekend. that's why it's there. basically i just discovered after 2 YEARS that my camera had a timer. i'm abounding with technological saavy (savvy) ?

then here is tara again. i think that's her 'hot' face. haha.
so on saturday i went downtown with carey for some curry. i actually cooked curry in my house a few weeks ago, and still my apartment smells of it. i went shopping, bought dad a shirt for his birthday (yeah, i know he reads this and i just ruined the surprise) and some shoes for myself. later i met kate and some other teachers for italian food, then we went to a bar owned my a canadian guy. i just hung out there for a little while and then went back to kates place. it was fun. she lied to me on what time the cabs go back to cheap rates so i hung out there until 6 am. turns out i only saved a dollar. i thought i was farther from home than i actually was. in anycase, it was nice to hang out with a new chickita.
sunday i did a whole lot of nothing. so i hear that canada is doing good in the olympics. props.