Monday, February 13, 2006

clickity clack

it's monday night here in korea and i have a terrible headache so i will write and then head to bed..

the weekend was a good but busy weekend.. on friday night we went to a bar called jengi.. marlar was singing and though it wasn't busy at all (aside from us, around 10 people haha) she did really well.. i think she's planning on going next week too.. one korean lady was going crazy for it.. it was funny.. she could definitely start a fan club..

the next day we went to VIPS .. i don't know if they have this in canada but it's just a giant buffet.. i went for the all you can eat guacamole ... mm.. anyways, we went with some other teachers who we hadn't really had a chance to hang out with.. after that i went to a party at tara and marks house (they are my favourite new teachers at the school!) they live really far away.. the other end of the city, so if they weren't uber cool i would never go out that far to see them! but it was a good time..

i was busy running around town all sunday as well.. i didn't really have too much time to relax and i don't know if i'll get a chance to this coming weekend either.. but i guess it's good to be busy, not that i need the time to go by any faster.. i'd actually like it to slow down a bit.. but what can you do?!

funniest thing said today by a kid:
attendance question: if you could be any superhero, who would you be?
smith: i would be batman, because i am darkness.

level up for hilarity!


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