Sunday, December 04, 2011

30 Years

Tomorrow I turn 30. Which means that this is the last day of my 20s. I'm trying to figure out how I feel about this. My 17 year old self would be curled up in the fetal position crying. I remember when I thought turning 20 was old and the end of the world. So why do I feel so much better about 30? 30 is supposed to be scary. I'm supposed to feel the time-crunch and wonder what I've been doing with my life and looking back at all the things I haven't done. Thing is, looking back, I pretty much high-five myself for everything I've done because those things have led me here.

I'm 29 and 364 days old and I live in a foreign country which is all I dreamed about when I was 17 year old me. I have amazing friends from all over the world. Wherever I go I feel loved. Though complicated at times, I have my whole family and they are always there when I call. I have had bad relationships which have led me to appreciate the best relationship I (or as far as I see it) anyone has ever had. I have more stamps in my passport that I can count. I have a job that allows me to feel young. Kids make me laugh everyday and I'm able to make real connections. I'm in the best health and physical condition of my life.

So, I guess I'm ok with 30 because I feel lucky to be where I'm at. There are things that I still want to do. There are places that I still want to see. But I'm only 30. I have lots of time for that.


4 Months

Wow. I haven't updated since August! What has been going on? Well my friend Annabelle got married. This is her first (and hopefully last) marriage. Though when I talked to her father he said that it's important to have one failed marriage before you meet the love of your life. For both Annabelle and my sakes I hope that this is not true. But, it's been the first wedding of a good friend I've been to in a long time. I miss so many being away. It was also my first Bachelorette Party, or Hen Party (she's British). There will be no pictures posted of the Hen Night but let's just say it was a good time. Here are some wedding pics though. Her husband is Korean and she was lucky (?) because she got to have 2 weddings. True to form the Korean one was super fancy.

I've still been teaching, I adopted an iphone (which has made it so much easier for me to keep in contact with everyone). I took Mike to Busan for his birthday, went to Busan again for my friend Nina's.

I am coming home in December for a whirlwind 2 weeks. The family thinks that it is an inconvenient time due to Canada weather. This is true, but as much as I love my friends here I just really want to be around family for Christmas. Though, my tree is up here.

I've been doing lots of brunching, exercising, running, reading and spending money at Starbucks. Basically all good things. I have also planned a trip to Taiwan in January. I'm going with Tristan and it will be epic. Well, as epic as 3 days can be. We plan to spend time in markets, museums and coffee shops.
