i would kill for some grace

my accident prone friends have rubbed off on me. last night we were out after work, celebrating bens birthday when i tripped down the stairs. no major injuries although my ankle is twisted and i spent all day before work with it elevated. ugh. my friends were so much help, with all the laughing at me they were doing. let's see if i take their sorry asses to the hospital the next time they hurt themselves! not bloodly likely.
other than that, it's my last day at this school. monday i start the new one. apparantly it will be one of the biggest schools at the company, i think around 16 teachers. that means i should find some cool people to chill with. anyways i only work there two days before the holiday.
last weekend i went to my first korean style wedding. i can't remember if i've blogged about this yet, if i have, too bad, read about it again. there were some major differences. some expected, such as the bowing, the traditional clothes worn by the family. some not, such as the smoke machine, golden trumpets that shot confetti and the band that played mid ceremony. one thing that i really liked about the whole shindig was that before the wedding started there was a room where the bride was elevated and you could come and talk to her. that was cool. so i managed to get a bunch of pictures together. oh, another thing was that i was the only person who brought a gift. everyone else brought money.
anyways, when i upload pics i will post them on here. i will also send out a mass email with my addy. i want licorice.
oh, something else that stressed me out was that early in the week my computer just stopped working. there are people who come to your house to fix them, but when the man came to mine he just shrugged his shoulders and left. so i went ALL the way down to the base to get it fixed. finally it's done a few days later, and my world is right again. i really need a new one i think. but first i want to buy a new digital camera. living in asia and having out of date technology is never any good.
lots of love,
jen xo