well i made it through my first week..
things i miss:
being able to jaywalk,
a phone,
the net,
things i didn't expect:
to be homesick,
the food vendors who drive around with mega phones (i assume they're screaming, "buy my onions!!!"),
how crazy the drivers are.. crosswalks mean nothing here,
how big this city actually is, my district is the size of london,
how religious certain people around me are,
that i can get almost anything here that i need,
how well i am at acting out what i need, i'll be a kickass charades player when i get home,
how welcoming some people have been,
to be stared at wherever i go
i get to set up house tomorrow and am very exciting at the prospect of not living out of a suitcase, and to be rid of the dog
love and miss you