Well what else has been going on? In April we got word that our school was closing down. Most of us had worked there for well over 5 years (me 7) and someone for even over 10! It was a big shock and we were (are) really bummed because obviously we liked it and because we had been there so long we had a lot of seniority. This meant lots of money and lots of vacation. Here in Korea usually your apartment is linked to your school so this also meant that a lot of us were losing our places. We only had a months notice so we did a lot of scrambling. I have since found another job which I'm trying to adjust to and one of us actually moved back to Daegu. For me it's hardest adjusting to the lack of vacation time. I had trips planned (to Guam, Hong Kong, Macau) that I had to cancel. So this all sucks! So we decided to do something positive. Nicola and I decided to train for a half marathon. Before this my longest race was 10km. It's only twice as far! I'm so glad that I did this because it helped me feel very accomplished afterwards. I may have shed a couple of tears when I crossed the finish line. Some other friends ran their first 5ks too that day. So it was positive thoughts all around! I'm not going to lie. It was hard. It was very, very hard. But we did it!
At the end of June I'll be running another race. This time it's 6.25km. It may sound like a strange distance but it's to commemorate North and South Korea's armistice on June 25th. So that should be cool. Also, not much feels better than when someone gives you a medal. Honestly, I want to stop doing things unless I get a medal for it. Every time I do the dishes a medal!