Well I only have 4 months left. I know, to you 4 months may feel like a third of a year, but until you live here you don't understand how fast time flies by. 4 months may as well be next week.
It seems like it's the season for change. Everyone is getting engaged, including the one closest to my heart! There is a mass exodus of Korea as well. At least it feels that way. For the first time I feel like more people are leaving than I am meeting. That's kind of my fault though. I'm actively trying to NOT make more friends. I guess I'm tired of the goodbyes. It's something to be expected when you live like I do, and yes it's great that I have friends all over the world, but my heart gets attached!! It is really hard to meet people doing this kind of thing, because generally, the people I meet here have something in common with me that most people at home don't. A lot of people are absolutely amazing, and it's hard to let go of that. I do take comfort in the idea that the people who are real friends, I will see again. I will also see parts of the world that I never thought I'd visit because I want to see these friends again. Who thought I'd be planning on visiting Mississippi?!
What has brought all this on is my friend Tristan left today. I met Tristan in Daegu pretty much in my first week of Korea. We were introduced by a friend who thought we'd have a lot in common, which was true. I have loved her ever since, and though we didn't talk everyday, she was a comfort to me and I have shared more with her than most. I went to Daegu last weekend for our last weekend and it was great. A weekend full of girly amazingness, good food and great conversation.
Here she is...