Monday, October 08, 2007


Well this week is a long one for a few reasons. First off, it's my first full week of work in a long, long time. Second, the middle schoolers are done their exams so classes are a little crowded. Finally, i'm going to Thailand THIS Saturday to visit Mike as well as to get my pineapple, pad thai and beach on. I hate waiting!

A new teacher has arrived (a girl, yay! I was in desperate need of some estrogen) and I've been spending a lot of time with friends here if anything to distract me from all this waitin'.

Talked to Meg today and I'm hoping that we can make some time to meet up somewhere in the globe AND I realized that I missed out on lots of turkey and cranberry sauce this weekend. Boo on all of you.

Miss you (but mostly I miss stuffing)

4 Sleeps!