Wednesday, August 30, 2006

round two.. ding ding..

ok, i'm in seoul right now at the net cafe. i am tired. i actually can't remember ever being this tired before. was the trip this long last time? why havn't they invented teleporters yet? i think that would hands down be the most useful invention. i would much prefer that to a time machine.

korea feels much the same. it's full of korean people. i was only pushed once so far, although it could be because i'm walking like a drone and the ajummas know to stay away. i'm wondering if i have enough time to go down to the sauna and have a nap.

anyways, i miss canada already. i've never made a decision before based solely on the cash and i'm not sure if i like it. stupid debt. stupid debt making me take stupid long plane rides, with stupid week long jet lag. here's were i swear in korean, because if anything, i know how to aclimatize (sp?) to the environment around me.

i'm actually not feeling this negative, it's just as was established earlier by my mom and dad as i was saying goodbye, i'm not a morning person. even though it's 5 pm here, my body thinks it's 7 am. and that's just too early to be optimisitc. catch me in a few hours and i'll be singing a different tune. "korean kids are so cute!" "i love kimchi!" .. etc etc..

anyways, i'm outty..

it'd be a good bet that if you're reading this, i miss you and i love you

Saturday, August 26, 2006

and i'm done

ok so i wasn't so much of a cam-whore when i was in canada. but i took a few of some people. this is more for me than anyone else. you don't really realize how much you miss someone until you actually see them again i think. i havn't even left and i'm already feeling sad. i think because this time i don't have all the excitement of starting something new. i know i'll have a blast.. it's hard not to, i just wish i had you all there with me.

awwww marky mark.. how i will miss you and your funky bunch. i'm already counting down to our 'date' next year.. it was amazing to see you again..

awww you'd never know it from looking at this picture but russ really was happy to see me. thanks for letting me crash at your place for all that time. you are the hostess with the mostess..
blake. sigh. i miss him already.
my gramps. we walked around his house taking so many pics of eachother. very korean.
the love of my life. she's back in the cold place now, but i miss her more than words can say.
seriously ash. you put that pic of me on your myspace account.. i'll put this on my blog.
julia and scotty. no fuss, no muss, just fun.

love me love me love me!!

alright, so i fly back to korea on tuesday. this month long holiday has flown by. to be honest, i could use another one. note to self for next year.. take more time! i didn't really get to relax much at all because i have been visiting so many people. by the time if got to toronto i had ridden the greyhound so many times that i decided that everyone could come to oshawa to see me. i also realized i forgot to throw a party. oh well.. i got to see jonnie for the first time in 2 years which was amazing.. last night i was out with ash, rohit, scott and julia... also good times.. it's so comforting being around people who really know you.. with the exception of a few special people out there i don't have that..

ok, off to do a few little things..
