Wednesday, May 31, 2006

what a bittersweet day

as the title reads..

first the sweet news.. i got news that i will be able to come home for almost the entire month of august!! i will be heading to a different school when i come back, but i welcome the change.. i'm excited to see everyone, to breathe clean air, to eat home cooked food, and to lay on the couch watching daytime tv.. time will be split accordingly between oshawa/tdot, kincardine and london..
so yay...

now the bitter news which leaves me sad and crippled.. my best guyfriend, and best girlfriend left korea today.. i had to say goodbye to both within the same hour.. it makes me sad because they are like my security blanket here.. they will eventually be coming back, but it feels like the end of an era.. so i have spent the last couple of hours crying.. i'm la-hame..

oh and i'm also strongly considering buying a puppy.. it's irrational, and not practical but i want unconditional love..


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