Thursday, May 18, 2006

i am a frickin dork (but am not alone)

so a few weeks ago, i went to suseong lake with my friend kyung-soon.. we have a weekly date where we hang out, shoot the shit, talk about our hopes, wishes, dreams.. it works well because her english is very good, and her attitude is rather westernized.. it's also convenient because she lives right across the street so i can go to her place in my pjs.. so as i said, one day we made the walk to the lake, grabbed some food and hung out.. we were very korean that day in that we took about a million pictures of eachother.. so i'm posting the pics.. call me vain if you wish.. you all wanted an accurate representation of what my life is like here.. and this is it.. you can kick me when i get home (which is in about 2 months!! whoo!)

This is soon. She is pretty much the most beautiful person I've met in Korea, both inside and out. We love her.


This is in soons apartment. She is getting married soon, and she wanted to learn how to cook, and so she's been practicing with me. My role is just to eat and say it's delicious. Here we're eating a mushroom bibimbap. It's early for me in these pics, which is why I look so frickin tired.

So sometimes you need to embrace your inner dorkiness. It's just easier for some.


At 8:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

nice blog...


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