Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Novelty of it All.

It seems that in Korea a lot of places believe that they need more than the standard wine, coffee and beer to draw you in. Here you can pet a puppy while you drink a beer, or sit in a bar decked out in only Barbie decor. Last night I went out with a friend to celebrate the end of her Saturday classes to an area of town near to mine (but much nicer). We went to a garden bar, complete with dogs. At first I thought that the wine was a little pricy but got over that immediately when I found out that they give you a free plant after you buy a drink! Maybe this would be less exciting for those who aren't so into plants, but I am, AND I thought it was a really cute idea.

Other bonuses for this area are that there is a Quiznos Subs and a pretty kick ass black market store.*

Less than a month to Thailand!

* I'd like to say that by 'black market store' I mean a place where I can buy Doritos, cheese and chocolate from home, not guns, grenades, 'The Best of Michael Bolton' or anything else you would find offensive or dangerous.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger your mother said...

Yep uh market....just dorito's eh.....oh I can't wait until xmas!


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