Sunday, February 25, 2007

it's been awhile

alrighty. so it's been a little while since i've written and here's a little update. things are going alright. i'm fairly bored with my city and am seriously considering moving at the end of this contract. i'm thinking to seoul or possibly another country depending on my financial situaiton.

last weekend was lunar new year. i headed to seoul with a bunch of friends. it was a good time. i saw some temples, did some singing, played some traditional games, ate some delicious food and saw some good punk. the rest of the week was emotional and tiring and i'm happy to start a new fresh week.

here is bree. we stuffed her in a locker in the subway station.

this is what happens when you go to a nore bang (singing room).. everyone becomes rock stars.
mel, ben, jay.
usual suspects.
i don't remember which palace this was, but we went to a few.

a giant shrimp in myeongdong. we chased him down for the pic. totally worth it!

ps- i got to talk to meg today and it was like good medicine. i love you best megs.


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