Thursday, January 18, 2007

maybe healing

well the youngins got me sick.. i think it was a sinus infection.. but i'm starting to get better now.. korea hates me.. or at least my immune system hates korea.. so last weekend i didn't really go out.. i went for a long walk on saturday and for a small hike on sunday.. i broke my laptop.. it's sort of fixed now, but not really..

i'm still going to taekwondo 3 times a week.. last class a little kid got round house kicked in the head (it was pretty fabulous!)..

our manager who has been in korea for 10 years left today.. she was one of my first friends in korea and has been a staple for so long .. it's really strange.. it's hard making friends here sometimes because you know eventually they will leave and that you'll probably never see them again.. i mean, proximity is such an important factor when it comes to friendships.. at least for me.. though maybe i'm just lazy..


this is in the old neighbourhood (jisan) from my hike on saturday.. too many trees to take any good shots.. and when i got to the top my memory card was full..
from a walk on saturday.. this is pretty close to my house.. between my place and downtown.. an ajumma yelled at mel and i for walking along a path the wrong way.. though she was wearing a mask (think hospital, not superhero) so i'm not sure if she was laughing or angry..
mel being oh so rude.. i would never give the finger..
again from the walk.. i wish my camera was better.. i've decided that cities look much better at night..


At 1:56 PM, Blogger Disparue said...

Thanks for the pics. I had pictured the hike differently.


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