Saturday, August 13, 2005

shhh we're in korea!

so, i was prepared to write about what things people told me to be prepared for when i came here that i just havn't seen yet... i was about to write about the spitting thing... that being i was told that koreans like to spit everywhere... i thought that this was false until i left my apartment last night to go out and i saw 2 kids playing this game which involved them spitting on eachother... ewww...

well, other things that i heard were:

you can't find bread or pastry
false. everywhere i go i can find bread. it is a little more expensive, but it's plentiful and yummy.

you can't find fruit
false. i can't walk anywhere without seeing old ladies on the side of the street selling all kinds of fruit. plus, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than at home. in fact, yesterday when i was walking home, a man with a truck full of apples gave me some for free while i was walking by.
not to mention the men who go by on their trucks with mega phones selling fruit... it's kind of like an extreme dickie dee...
it's so unbearably hot that you shouldn't leave your apartment
while it is very very hot, it's more the humidity that gets you. being surrounded by mountains is gorgeous, i love it.. this city is all green ... but you can leave the house.. what's more of a pain is the rain.. which brings me to:
rainy/monsoon season will be over by august
lies, lies lies. it has rained here everyday since i've been here. some of the storms worse than almost anything i've seen back home. the first non food related thing i bought here was an umbrella, which is, hands down the most useful thing i own right now.

one of the strangest things i've seen so far is that they take little kids and babies to the bar with them. we went to this bar last night, downtown, where this was this korean cover band. it was quite entertaining watching them rap, and cover the black eyed peas! anyways, i couldn't help but notice that there were little babies and children there at the bar with me. i asked around and apparantly this is the norm. there were little kids that lasted at the bar longer than i did, and i left well after 1 am.
oh, i guess i'm back to the days where i smell of smoke when i come home because everyone smokes here. in bars i mean, i don't see many smoking on the street.

there are some pics of our girls night out last night. lots and lots of dancing was going on.


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