Monday, October 23, 2006

week 2 of needle poking fun

so i went to my appointment today with the doctor. one thing i love about doctors here is that you never have to wait to see one. so the needles went fine, but then he asked me to lay on my stomach. i then felt poking and i assumed he was putting needles in my back. i didn't know why, but it's hard to ask questions. then he asked me to turn over and i saw that he had a syringe in his hand. then he started to poke my stomach. he didn't put anything in me, and didn't take anything out. i was so confused and asked about it and he just kept saying 'special treatment'. in anycase, it was bizarre. he also got me on the scale and i've lost 6 pounds since wednesday. he tells me this, and i respond by saying 'ok'. this wasn't enthusiastic enough for him i guess because he kept giving me the thumbs up, trying to get a bigger reaction out of me. here girls are always trying to become thinner. the thinner the better, even if you're 95 pounds you still want to be less. i suppose he's used to korean girls screaming with glee at results like that. not me.

the weekend was good and uneventful. i laid low for most of it. i went for a long walk to my old area of the city on saturday night, down to the lake. it was nice to see the lights reflecting, and there were people setting off fireworks. i love how in korea you can just do that anywhere. on sunday we had the potluck for carey and joanne. i got to buy the cake i couldn't eat. i also got to buy the buns i couldn't eat. i have mean, mean friends! but i did get to see some people i havn't in a long while.

the month is almost over, which is good. i'm broke and need to get paid!!


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