Wednesday, December 07, 2005

so today has been fairly interesting and fun.. middle schoolers are away studying for exams so we have just been hanging out and playing cards...

our manager is teaching the leftover students for us now.. bless his heart..

so Marla wrote this about me in her blog today ::

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
I'm at work, not working because all of our middle school kids are studying for their mid-terms so we have time off... yeaaah! Jenny is so funny, she keeps saying the funniset things, not as funny as me of course, but funny. For example: she hates eye balls, like in Kill Bill when Uma steps on the woman's eyeball she sais that's the grossest thing ever and so she said to me (to prove her point)
"If you were hanging by your eyeball on the brink of falling to your death and I had no hands to save you, I WOULD NOT put your eyeball in my mouth to pull you to safety!"
Can you believe that? I mean, I thought we were friends...
Tonight she was talking about carrier doves... I then reminded her that it was "carrier pigeons" and we all had a good laugh at her expense and I offered the owl alternative for nocternal deliveries... I am a frieking visionary!

it's true. i really hate eyeballs.

so the interesting part of my day involved travelling back in time alittle bit. i have this one I6 class. this means they are elementary kids, level 6. they are all boys, about 13 years old. the potential for problems is, of course, endless. when i first started teaching them they were such a handful in terms of discipline. i found myself screaming at the top of my lungs each day that i saw them. as of late, they've been better but their mind seems to be occupied by other things. let me give you a run down:

3 weeks ago:
i catch a kid throwing a comic book around class. i confiscate it, open it to find out that it's porn. comic book porn i guess? not real pictures but drawn sexual pictures of girls. i found it funny, the kid was mortified. whatever, i got over it.

2 weeks ago:
same class. we have a substitute teacher teaching next door to us and the boys start making jokes about how i'm inlove with him and fighting over him with another female teacher. it was funny, i laugh again. then, this kid.. a different on tells me "teacher i know your scandal" and starts sticking his tongue through his cheek in a very suggesting manner. i'm shocked. don't really know how to deal with it so i go with denial. that must be some korean gesture that means something not offensive at all, and just happens to be sexual in western culture.

cough cough.

same class. a different student stops the lesson to tell me that his teacher had taught him a word today and he wants to know what it means. the word is bukake. my nana reads this blog so i'm not going to define the word. safe to say it's quite dirty. i tell him if he wants to know he should go ask the manager. the boys giggle. half an hour later i notice the boys aren't doing their work and seem distracted. i discover that they are busy making replicas of vaginas with their fingers. i lost it. i yelled "i realize that you're 13 year old boys but could you refrain from making vaginas with your hands while you're in my class!!" or something to that effect. then i left class and laughed some more.

i find it all really funny but i have this feeling if i don't put a stop to this it will get way out of hand. i'm here to teach english not sex-ed.

so that's been my day so far. and it's not even 9:30 pm yet.


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